About image
The USA Sports Squash Training Club was registered in 2017, since then it has been helping individual improve their fitness and become squash players. In last 2 years, The USA Sports Club has joined hands with many colleges & universities to give students scholarships based on how well that student plays sports (specifically squash).

In coming years, you will see many top players coming from the club as we are currently working with top class coaches & trainers.

Most of our coaches are former national level players as we needed to be the best club in the country to generate national level players.

We have a vision to make our country the best in smash sport, so we are taking all the needy steps that can improve quality of this sport in this country.

Our club has also joined hands with top squash brands so that we can provide top squash racquets to those players who can not afford the equipment. Most of our racquets are from top brands, to know more about top brands you should check out best squash racquet reviews & ratings. We will provide some of these, although it will be selected by our coaches, so there is no partiality.